Цитата группы

"Я люблю своих сыновей. Я купил им гитары и барабаны. И мне действительно странно видеть их играющими."

Марк Нопфлер

"Ticket To Heaven"


I can see what you're looking to find

In the smile on my face

In my peace of mind

In my state of grace

I send what I can

To the man from the ministry

He's a part of heaven's plan

And he talks to me

Now I send what I can to the man

With the diamond ring

He's a part of heaven's plan

And he sure can sing

Now it's all I can afford

But the lord has sent me eternity

It's to save the little children

In a poor country

I got my ticket to heaven

And everlasting life

I got a ride all the way to paradise

I got my ticket to heaven

And everlasting life

All the way to paradise

Now there's nothing left for luxuries

Nothing left to pay my heating bill

But the good lord will provide

I know he will

So send what you can

To the man with the diamond ring

They're tuning in across the land

To hear him sing

I got my ticket to heaven

And everlasting life

I got a ride all the way to paradise

I got my ticket to heaven

And everlasting life

All the way to paradise
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